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Emo Shooter

A Multiplayer FPS Prototype for Thesis Project


Project Info

Platform: PC
Team Size: 2
Duration: 1 month


Emo Shooter is a 3v3 multiplayer first-person shooter that originally aimed to create a shooter game that highly focuses on strategy and cooperation even without a better shooting skill. 

Tool Used:

 Unreal Engine 5 

My Role

Game Designer

- Co-designed and implemented the 3v3 game mode that two teams fighting for the objective point.

Gameplay Programmer

- Developed the Multiplayer framework(Listen Server) using Steam Online Subsystem with the following features
  - A lobby allows players to create/join sessions through the Steam network

  - A game session that allows players to switch teams and a ready button that informs the host player to start the game
- Developed unreal FPS Gameplay framework including GameMode, PlayerController, PlayerPawn, HUD, etc. 
- Developed a weapon system that supports multiplayer

- Developed a weapon tool that allows devs to create new weapons by adjusting 
weapon parameters including FireMode, FireRate, Spread, Recoil, and Damage.

Game Mode

  • Two teams spawn on two sides of the map. Players start with 100 HP and 30 Ammo

  • Capture the objective point in the middle of the map to get the team score. Once the player captures the point, the team will get the score every 5 seconds. 

  • The team that gets 20 scores first will win the game.

  • Stay in the Healing Station to heal

  • Stay in the Ammo Station to get ammo

  • Players can respawn on death without limitation




Objective Point


Special Picks Emoji Character for prototype


The core experience of this map is that players play back and forth between objective points and resource points. The original idea of this map is "Slope", so we actually built a map on the big slope and assigned the objective points and resource points appropriately to create the advantage from the slope for players. Based on the gameplay, the general strategy of this game is to capture the objective points and then retreated to the near covers to defend or go to the resource points to heal or get ammo (reinforce the character). However, with the sloping terrain of this map, taking control of the resource points first could be a better strategy for the team to stop the support opponent team from taking control of the objective point easier. In this case, they could get an advantage to take control of the covered area near the enemy spawn point and slow down their attack to the objective point.


Map Sketch


Top View

The Slope


Flow (Perspective View)


Flow (Top View)

The weapon tool allows devs to adjust the weapon parameters in the game. Once the designers find satisfied gunplay, they could save the current gun parameters immediately and then start the next. 







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